Meet healing at its source

Attention + Allowance = Miracle

Stella Osorojos Eisenstein

“When consciousness is understood to be the prima materia, then healing becomes a matter of attention—Resonant Attention.”

  • Classes

    Intro Classes - Understand placebo, enhance bodywork, and hack our connectedness to metabolize somatized traumas. This set of three 2-hour classes aligns both highly skilled practitioners as well as total newbies to Resonant Attention. We'll cover attention, allowance, intuition, and their profound implications for medicine. It's a crucial step towards re-skilling medicine. Classes will be recorded, so direct participation isn’t necessary, but is highly recommended. $175.

    Advanced Topics classes are for those who have already taken the Intro class. $175.

    Group Healing Sessions give an experience of Resonant Attention for anybody interested. $40.

  • Sessions

    Zoom appointments with Stella start with a body scan and may include Resonant Attention, Traditional Chinese diagnosis, Medical Intuition, and lifestyle advice. Sessions are 50 minutes and cost $165.

    Zoom Mentorships are available. These guarantee six 1.5 hour sessions with Stella. They’re appropriate for therapists, doctors, bodyworkers, or those committed to deeper guidance or healing. $1800.

    In Person Appointments are available in North Kingstown, RI. Contact her above.

    *Please note that my schedule is updated around the first of the month. If you can’t find an appointment check back for cancellations or go to my referrals page below.

No matter the modality, resonant attention is the ground. Learn about the principle behind all healing in classes or in one-on-one sessions. It’s time to re-skill medicine.

Book with Stella.

“I struggle to find the right words to express how rare—and needed—this approach is at this time. Stella encourages others in their own sovereignty and abilities. Thank you!”


“I LOVE what you’ve brought/are bringing forward. It’s brilliant and so, so very resonant and simple, it fits like a glove. I primarily use it on my self and a few beloveds.”

—Alaya DeNoyes

“What I watched you invite and facilitate in our session, and what I understood through that experience about the nature of healing and reality itself, about the primacy of the subtle and its governing of the dense, steered my life abruptly in a new direction. So first: thank you for such a massive gift of presence and generosity that has had such infinite ripples!”


“Thanks again for this intro class - you have literally blown our minds and opened up ways of seeing and capacity we didn’t know we had! Thank you SO MUCH! Scott has had restless leg syndrome for 10 years, disturbing his sleep, and it’s almost gone after 2 sessions of working together. Thank you SO much.”

—Anda and Scott

“Thank you for another wonderful and thought-provoking class. I always come away feeling like a better practitioner and a more curious version of myself.”

—Jenevieve Ostara

“Thank you for our time together yesterday. I was a trifle miserable but you are a joy to work with and you bring me back to the point of resonant attention without negating my perspective. This is helping me to more properly comprehend how and where to open up my inner lens to the body, whilst being the body.”


“Thanks for your engagement and openess to share such great experiences and knowledge. WOW.”

—Nuria Simone